AIM Global's eight (8) major ways to Earn
Below are the eight (8) major ways and easy-to-follow guide on how to make money from Alliance In Motion Global, Inc. Once you become a member, you are automatically authorized to use these strategies apart from the Initial Benefits you already have. Take note that all daily earnings are being given on a daily basis via ATM.
All members are entitled to a lifetime 25% discount on their next reordering of any of all the products.
Example: 1 box of C24/7
Php 1,200.00 Suggested Retail Price (SRP)
Php 900.00 Member's Price (25% discount)
Php 300.00 Retail Profit
Every person (friend, family member, neighbor, classmate, co-workers, etc) that you have personally invited to join and then later bought a Global Package and became a member, you will automatically earn U$11.
There are 3 (three) different ways to make money in this scheme. You will have two groups, Group A (Left Sales Group) and Group B (Right Sales Group). Each new member under your Group is equal to 1,200 points and every match will make you earn Php 1,500.
Person to Person Match
Every time there is a new member in Group A and another one in Group B, the person-to-person match will make you earn U$33.
Person to Product Match
When there is a new member on one side, and a group-accumulated product re-order points of 1,200 points on the other side, the person-to-product match will make you earn U$33.
Product to Product Match
When there is a group-accumulated product re-order points of 1,200 points on one side, and a group-accumulated product re-order points of 1,200 points on the other side, the product-to-product match will make you earn U$33. This means you can still earn even without a new member.
NOTE: Alliance In Motion Global, Inc. only allows each member to have up to 16 accounts/heads or Group matches (8 for Group A and 8 for Group B) a day. Therefore, maximum daily earnings in this scheme is U$33 x 16 = U$528!
Package Type
No. of Heads
Potential Income
Starter Package
US$528 per day
Entrepreneurial Package
US$1,584 per day
International Builders Package
US$3,696 per day
***Package Price is (No. of Heads) multiply by (Global Package Price)
Earn 10% of products sales volume from your Direct Referrals and 5% of products sales volume from your Non-Direct Referrals from your first level up to your tenth level.
Dynamic Compression will apply to ensure that qualified distributors will earn bonuses on all 10 levels without breakage to the company and encumbrance due to inactive or non-performing distributors within the earning levels. (for example, if no sales made by your 10th level, the 11th level will take place)
A distributor will get an overriding commission once his or her rank is promoted. Hence for every rank, there is a corresponding overriding commission assigned and requirements.
Distributor - Any new member is automatically a distributor and will not have (0%) commission from his/her first level to infinity level.
Silver Executive (SE) - Any member that can have an accumulated 10 Positional points (Group Points) is automatically promoted as SE, and will have additional 10% commission on group product sales from first level to infinity level.
Gold Executive (GE) - Any member that can have an accumulated 100 Positional points (Group Points) is automatically promoted as GE, and will have additional 20% commission on group product sales from first level to infinity level.
Global Ambassador (GA) - Any member that can have an accumulated 1,000 Positional points (Group Points) is automatically promoted as GA, and will have additional 30% commission on group product sales from first level to infinity level.
All Global Ambassadors (GA) can earn 2% of Group Reorder Points from their 5th level down lines provided that all of them are also Global Ambassadors.
If you are promoted as GA with 2,000 points, and your 1st level GA has also 2000 points, 2nd level with 3 level 1 GA, and in 3rd level with 5 level 1 GA, you will have 2% profit sharing commission based on company's sales in a year. Given to qualified Global Ambassadors, they receive a percentage of the company's profits.
ASIAN Trip, Europe Trip US Trip (10 year multiple visa). All expense paid by the company plus pocket money.
AIM Global, Inc. is a PRO-Distributor or PRO-Downline Company
» Global Package. Small capital exposure but with big return of investment (ROI).
» No Quota. There is no quota to be maintained per month or per year.
» No Time-Frame. You are given time freedom in doing your business.
» No Demotion. Since there is no quota, then there is no demotion of rank in the stair step. Thus, if you are currently ranked as Gold Executive, in no way you will be reverted back to Distributor status.
» No Pass Up. Let us say hypothetically, you and your immediate 2nd up to 5th downline are not doing the business and someone at your 6th level downline had managed to elevate himself to Silver Executive (SE), then to Gold Executive (GE), then finally to Global Ambassador (GA) in just a year by attaining the 10, 100, 1000 Global Packages for SE, GE, and GA, respectively. As he/she is elevated to a new rank, so does everyone above her direct genealogical line.
Aside from being elevated, everyone above her is entitled to a small percentage of her total group product sales value, with the GA earning as much as 2%. This is the very reason why in three years, AIM Global has already produced 80 millionaires.
» Dynamic Compression. This refers to the unilevel sales. What will be included in your 1st to 10th unilevel sales are only those downlines who are making a repurchase for that month. For example, if your 10th downline has no repurchase for this current month, and the 11th downline has a repurchase, then the latter will take the place of former.
» Gift Checks. As discussed above, there is a corresponding P 1,500 for every pair of recruits. The company devised a cycle of gift checks for 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th pairs. Free products rotated per cycle.
» It has many ways to earn income.
» It has many surprised bonuses and incentives for distributors (e.g. Trip to Hongkong, Asian Cruise, US Trip, etc.)
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